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Current Rates

Customers in Pennsylvania and New York trust C&N to help them save money on mortgages and earn better rates on their CDs and deposit accounts.

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Annual Percentage Yields (APYs) are effective for accounts opened from January 8, 2025 and until the next yield change, which is typically weekly.

Term MinBalance Rate APY
10 Months* $10,000.00 4.140% 4.20%
10 Months* $100,000.00 and over 4.380% 4.45%
12 Months $1,000.00 3.350% 3.39%
12 Months $10,000.00 3.500% 3.55%
12 Months $25,000.00 3.800% 3.85%
12 Months $50,000.00 3.950% 4.01%
12 Months $100,000.00 and over 4.000% 4.06%
18 Months $1,000.00 3.350% 3.39%
18 Months $10,000.00 3.500% 3.55%
18 Months $25,000.00 3.800% 3.85%
18 Months $50,000.00 3.950% 4.01%
18 Months $100,000.00 and over 4.000% 4.06%
24 Months $1,000.00 3.300% 3.34%
24 Months $10,000.00 3.450% 3.49%
24 Months $25,000.00 3.750% 3.80%
24 Months $50,000.00 3.900% 3.96%
24 Months $100,000.00 and over 3.950% 4.01%
36 Months $1,000.00 3.300% 3.34%
36 Months $10,000.00 3.450% 3.49%
36 Months $25,000.00 3.750% 3.80%
36 Months $50,000.00 3.900% 3.96%
36 Months $100,000.00 and over 3.950% 4.01%
48 Months $1,000.00 3.350% 3.39%
48 Months $10,000.00 3.500% 3.55%
48 Months $25,000.00 3.800% 3.85%
48 Months $50,000.00 3.950% 4.01%
48 Months $100,000.00 and over 4.000% 4.06%
6 Months $1,000.00 3.400% 3.44%
6 Months $10,000.00 3.550% 3.60%
6 Months $25,000.00 3.850% 3.91%
6 Months $50,000.00 4.000% 4.06%
6 Months $100,000.00 and over 4.050% 4.11%
60 Months $1,000.00 3.350% 3.39%
60 Months $10,000.00 3.500% 3.55%
60 Months $25,000.00 3.800% 3.85%
60 Months $50,000.00 3.950% 4.01%
60 Months $100,000.00 and over 4.000% 4.06%
e-z Access Advantage CD 36 Months $5,000.00 .200% .20%
e-z Access Flex CD - 27 Month $10,000.00 3.300% 3.35%
e-z Access Flex CD - 27 Month $100,000.00 3.650% 3.71%
e-z Access Flex CD - 27 Month $250,000.00 and over 3.700% 3.76%
e-z Access Flex CD - 14 Month $10,000.00 3.450% 3.51%
e-z Access Flex CD - 14 Month $100,000.00 3.800% 3.87%
e-z Access Flex CD - 14 Month $250,000.00 and over 3.850% 3.92%
e-z Access Flex CD - 20 Month $10,000.00 3.350% 3.40%
e-z Access Flex CD - 20 Month $100,000.00 3.700% 3.76%
e-z Access Flex CD - 20 Month $250,000.00 and over 3.750% 3.82%
*IRA/ESA Variable CD 18 Month $0.00 .250% .25%
IRA CD 36 Months $1,000.00 3.300% 3.34%
IRA CD 36 Months $10,000.00 3.450% 3.49%
IRA CD 36 Months $25,000.00 3.750% 3.80%
IRA CD 36 Months $50,000.00 3.900% 3.96%
IRA CD 36 Months $100,000.00 and over 3.950% 4.01%
IRA CD 48 Months $1,000.00 3.350% 3.39%
IRA CD 48 Months $10,000.00 3.500% 3.55%
IRA CD 48 Months $25,000.00 3.800% 3.85%
IRA CD 48 Months $50,000.00 3.950% 4.01%
IRA CD 48 Months $100,000.00 and over 4.000% 4.06%
IRA CD 60 Months $1,000.00 3.350% 3.39%
IRA CD 60 Months $10,000.00 3.500% 3.55%
IRA CD 60 Months $25,000.00 3.800% 3.85%
IRA CD 60 Months $50,000.00 3.950% 4.01%
IRA CD 60 Months $100,000.00 and over 4.000% 4.06%
Roll Up 36 Month CD* $10,000.00 3.000% 3.03%
Roll Up 48 Month CD* $10,000.00 2.950% 2.98%
Roll Up 60 Month CD* $10,000.00 2.900% 2.93%
Roll Up Jumbo 36 Month CD* $100,000.00 and over 3.500% 3.55%
Roll Up Jumbo 48 Month CD* $100,000.00 and over 3.450% 3.49%
Roll Up Jumbo 60 Month CD* $100,000.00 and over 3.400% 3.44%

Please contact your local C&N branch for our Truth-In-Savings Disclosure for complete details. Visit our Personal Banking Section for more information on Certificates of Deposit. An interest penalty may be assessed if a Certificate of Deposit is withdrawn before maturity. Fees may reduce earnings. For IRA/ESA Variable CDs and IRA Fixed CD's, the IRS assesses a 10% Early Distribution Penalty for withdrawals prior to age 59-1/2. Exceptions may apply. Rates are fixed for the term of the Certificate, except for these types of variable accounts: Roll Up CDs, e-z Access Advantage CD and the IRA/ESA Variable CD. The rate of these variable CDs may change after the account is opened. Please ask for an IRA Disclosure Statement for further details on IRAs. e-z Access Advantage CD balances less than $5,000.00 earn .100% interest, .100% APY. e-z Access Flex CD balances less than $10,000.00 earn .100% interest, .10% APY. APY is annual percentage yield. Member FDIC * Important information regarding Roll Up CDs: The interest rate and Annual Percentage Yield may change when the Roll-Up option is exercised. The roll-up option can only be exercised once during the term of the Certificate. The maximum interest rate roll-up (increase) available during each roll-up time period is 2.00%. The new interest rate will not be applied retroactively. To initiate the roll-up option you must contact us requesting the roll-up of (increase in) your interest rate in person, by phone, or in writing. For Certificates of Deposit with joint right of survivor ownership, any one of the owners may individually initiate the roll-up option. Upon maturity, there will be NO ADDITIONAL ROLL-UP OPTIONS. The rate may be rolled-up to the current same term fixed rate C&N CD rate.

*For the 10 Month CD, the minimum deposit at account opening must be new money to the Bank.  New money is defined as funds not on deposit with Citizens & Northern Bank at time of account opening.  10 Month CDs funded with  between $10,000 and $99,999.99 in new money will earn the $10,000 tier APY.  10 Month CDs funded with $100,000 or more in new money will earn the $100,000 tier APY.  Additional liquid funds may be added to CD balance at account opening, but the minimum of $10,000 or $100,000 in new money is required to qualify for this CD.


Due to the unpredictability of mortgage rates at this time, please contact your local C&N office to discuss rates in further detail.


Home Equity Line & Lock rates are effective from December 19, 2024 until the next rate change.

Credit Scores 740 and greater:
Annual Percentage Rate 7.500%
Index 7.500%
Margin 0.000%
Credit Scores 739 and below:
Annual Percentage Rate 7.750%
Index 7.500%
Margin 0.250%

Line is variable rate based on Wall Street Journal Prime and can change at any time. Maximum rate is 18.00%. No closing costs at account opening except for borrower’s share of New York mortgage tax for properties in New York;  other costs will be recovered if the line is paid off and closed within three years of the closing date. If the line is paid off and closed within three years of the closing date there is a recapture fee for all closing costs paid on your behalf by C&N.  The recapture fee will range from $250-$300; other recapture costs for title insurance and appraisal will vary with location and loan amount. Additional locked portions must be for a minimum of $5,000 for a term of between 3 and 15 years at a fixed market rate for an installment payment plan. The minimum interest rate for a locked portion is 3.00% and the maximum is 18.00%. The principal and interest payments will be in an amount sufficient to repay the balance within the time frame selected. Locked portions may not exceed the term of the line. A $50 lock fee applies each time a portion of the line is locked, with the first lock fee waived.  The current monthly payment for a $10,000 draw locked for 36 payments at 5% is $299.71 for Principal and Interest. Credit approval required.  *APR is annual percentage rate.

Annual Percentage Yields (APYs) are effective for accounts opened from January 8, 2025 and until the next yield change, which is typically weekly.

Product To Earn APY Current Rate Annual % Yield
Business Interest Checking $1,000.00 .100% .10%
Business Interest Checking $10,000.00 .300% .30%
Business Interest Checking $50,000.00 .400% .40%
Business Interest Checking $100,000.00 .550% .55%
Business Interest Checking $500,000.00 .750% .75%
Business Super Money Fund $1,000.00 .400% .40%
Business Super Money Fund $5,000.00 .550% .55%
Business Super Money Fund $20,000.00 .800% .80%
Business Super Money Fund $50,000.00 1.050% 1.06%
Business Super Money Fund $100,000.00 1.250% 1.26%
Business Super Money Fund $250,000.00 2.250% 2.27%
Business Super Money Fund $500,000.00 2.500% 2.53%
Business Super Money Fund $1,000,000.00 2.750% 2.78%
Business Super Money Fund $2,000,000.00 3.000% 3.04%
Business Super Money Fund $5,000,000.00 3.250% 3.30%
C&N Merit Checking* $0.00 .350% .35%
C&N Merit Checking* $30,000.01 .100% .10%
Super Money Fund $1,000.00 .400% .40%
Super Money Fund $5,000.00 .550% .55%
Super Money Fund $20,000.00 .800% .80%
Super Money Fund $50,000.00 1.050% 1.06%
Super Money Fund $100,000.00 1.250% 1.26%
Super Money Fund $250,000.00 2.250% 2.27%
Super Money Fund $500,000.00 2.500% 2.53%
Super Money Fund $1,000,000.00 2.750% 2.78%
Super Money Fund $2,000,000.00 3.000% 3.04%
Super Money Fund $5,000,000.00 3.250% 3.30%
Key Savings $300.00 .100% .10%
Savings / Christmas Club $0.00 .100% .100%

*C&N Merit non-qualifying accounts - .05% APY These rates may change after the account is opened. Fees may reduce earnings. Please contact your local Citizens & Northern branch for our Truth-In-Savings Disclosure for complete details. APY is annual percentage yield.

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