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- 2023 Q1
- Applicants Sought for Joseph R. Every Scholarship
Applicants Sought for Joseph R. Every Scholarship
WELLSBORO, PA – C&N is pleased to invite high school seniors pursuing studies in medicine, education, or engineering to apply for a scholarship offered through the Joseph R. Every Scholarship Fund.
Applicants are sought for the 2022 fall semester and should consider the following before submitting their application:
- Completed applications are due to the student’s high school guidance office by Monday, March 20, 2023 or to a C&N office by Friday, March 24, 2023.
- Applicants must be a high school senior or graduate of a public or non-public high school in Bradford or Tioga County, PA or Chemung County, NY.
- Applicants must be accepted to an accredited college, university or professional school in a program leading to a degree in education or medicine, including medical research for human diseases. If too few students apply with those majors, preference will be given to students who express an interest in the fields of civil, mechanical, electrical or metallurgical engineering, or any other field that would improve society.
- Applicants must have a current cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0. Consideration will be given to average students with ambition and the potential to contribute positively to society.
- Applicants must not smoke tobacco, use illegal drugs, or alcoholic beverages.
The scholarship award will be for the first year of higher education only and will be in an amount determined by the Selection Committee. A maximum award of $10,000 may be made. Funds may be used to help pay for tuition, books, and room and board. Payments from the trust will be made directly to the university or college the recipient attends.
The Joseph R. Every Scholarship Fund was created under the Last Will and Testament of Joseph R. Every. C&N’s Wealth Management serves as Trustee of the Fund.
Students interested in more information may contact C&N Wealth Management at 888.987.8784, visit or contact their high school guidance counselors.