This comprehensive suite of resources is tailored for every life stage and financial need, equipping you with the knowledge and tools to fight cybercrime and fraud.
Open a new personal or business checking account online with C&N and enjoy free lunches on us!
A Fresh Start to Your Savings
Choose a fresh start for your savings by taking advantage of our 8-Month CD, 37-Month CD or 37-Month IRA CD specials.
Business Fraud Prevention
Protect your business checking account from potential fraud with services that fit your needs.
Pack Flexibility Into Your Savings
Our Flex CD options will deliver growth while allowing you access to your money when and if you need it.
This comprehensive suite of resources is tailored for every life stage and financial need, equipping you with the knowledge and tools to fight cybercrime and fraud.
Open a new personal or business checking account online with C&N and enjoy free lunches on us!
A Fresh Start to Your Savings
Choose a fresh start for your savings by taking advantage of our 8-Month CD, 37-Month CD or 37-Month IRA CD specials.
Business Fraud Prevention
Protect your business checking account from potential fraud with services that fit your needs.
Pack Flexibility Into Your Savings
Our Flex CD options will deliver growth while allowing you access to your money when and if you need it.
This comprehensive suite of resources is tailored for every life stage and financial need, equipping you with the knowledge and tools to fight cybercrime and fraud.
You&Us. That's C&N.
Banzai Financial Education
Budget Calculator
Anticipate your expenses, list your saving goals, and manage your income.
50/30/20 rule
A simple, practical rule of thumb for individuals who want a budget that is easy to implement.
Going to College
Off to college? Tuition isn't the only thing you need to pay for...Learn to budget and manage all the unexpected and kind-of-expected costs that come with being on your own.