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Cyber Warfare Defense Toolkit

Mitigate your business' online security risk

“When your employees are educated about the threats to watch for and the steps they should take to help prevent an attack, it gives you peace of mind as a business owner. It helps me sleep better at night.”
-Shawn Bryant, CEO of The Wellsboro Hotel Company


October – Cybersecurity Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) announces #StopRansomware Guide

Ransomware is a form of malware designed to encrypt files on a device, rendering them and the systems that rely on them unusable. Malicious actors then demand ransom in exchange for decryption. 

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Cyber threats are constantly changing, one way to keep up to is receive regular emails that discusses a specific security topic and explains actionable steps people can take to protect themselves and their organization. The emails are short and to the point, and only take about a minute to read. You are welcome to share them with friends and family.

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Don't Trust Links Sent in Email Messages

A common method cyber criminals use to hack into people's computers is to send them emails with malicious links. People are tricked into opening these links because they appear to come from someone or something they know and trust. If you click on a link, you may be taken to a site that attempts to harvest your information or tries to hack into your computer. Only click on links that you were expecting. Not sure about an email? Call the person to confirm they sent it.

Author: SAN’s

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